Experiencing the Worlds of Water without obstacles & barriers It is a matter of great concern for the Grossglockner Hochalpenstrassen AG, the company that operates the Krimml Worlds of Water and one of the most scenic panoramic roads in Austria, to make all its offers and facilities – be it on site at the Krimml Worlds of Water or online – accessible to everyone without barriers if possible. So that all people can experience sights, attractions and nature autonomously.

Barrier-free experiences in the Krimml Worlds of Water

The Krimml Worlds of Water are fundamentally suitable as a day-trip destination for people with reduced mobility. Because the Krimml Worlds of Water themselves can be easily reached by car and allow the following barrier-free experiences:

Krimml Worlds of Water, waterfall center with viewing terrace | © krimmler-wasserwelten.at/Michael Huber

Wasserfall Center with Aquaszenarium und WasserWunderBar – with barrier-free WC 

Krimml World of Water, view from the air | © krimmler-wasserwelten.at/Michael Stabentheiner

Aquapark – barrier-free access, route partially with inclines

Globe exhibit "Faces of water" | ©  krimmler-wasserwelten.at/Neumayr

Hous of Water with exhibition "Faces of Water" – barrier-free access and with lift in the building 

Aerial photograph Parking P4 Krimml | © krimmler-wasserwelten.at/Stabentheiner

Parking lot P4 – with barrier-free WC and barrier-free access to Kürsinger Platz at the foot of the Krimml Waterfalls

Multimedia Guide Krimml Waters | © krimml-wasserwelten.at

Experiencing the Worlds of Water & waterfalls with impaired vision 

People with impaired vision can use our free Multimedia Guide Krimml Waters to get an acoustic picture of the Krimml Worlds of Water and their attractions, but also impressions from the Krimml Waterfalls and the municipality of Krimml itself: Station by station, the acoustic guide, which can also be downloaded at home to your smart phone, leads visitors through the attractions with refreshing stories.   

Barrier-free website of the Krimml Worlds of Water:  

The Grossglockner Hochalpenstrassen AG makes every effort to make its websites accessible in line with the Web Accessibility Act passed by the state (Web-Accessibility-Act – WCAG) BGBl. I. No. 59/2019 idgF. 

We are aware that we have not implemented maximum possible barrier-free access on our website. We are, however, making continuous efforts to improve barrier-free use as far as possible in order to allow all users unrestricted use.

Should you notice any barriers that prevent you from using this website – problems not described in the statement on barrier-free access to our website below, or any shortcomings with regard to meeting the barrier-free access requirements – we kindly ask you to let us know by email to info@krimmler-wasserwelten.at. Please describe the problem and include the URL(s) of the site or document in question. We will look at your enquiry as soon as possible and try to solve the problem and contact you.